: >I have two cats - Sootikin (Sooti for short) a 2-year old female, and Choad.
: >Choad (stupid name) is a neutered tom who was dumped on me by my scumbag
: >ex-roomate (he had been given it by one of the *two* women he was dating
: >at the time).
: >
Why the fuck do people give cats really trendy names like Sootikin? My
cats name is Hamish .. nice Scottish name. I knew someone who called his
cat Fred. Must be fargin yuppies who probably call their children
Ashley, or Brett, or Troy or Chad, or Jason, Mellissa or even *gag* Biff
Fuckwits :)
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If its not Scottish it's C-r-r-raaaaaaaaaapppp!!
Wow, you all are really dumb arguing about cats. You say to one another you don't have lives but here you are ranting like little babies about cat names. Seriously, get a fucking life. Lol, what the fuck is a fuckwit? Learn grammar, kid. No one gives a damn about your fucking cats. Shove them up your ass for all I care. Oh, so now you're saying if anything is not Scottish it is crap? Wow. But I do know something which is crap, as a matter of fact, is this whole fucking argument. If you don't know how to spell properly or compose a proper sentence then don't send anything at all. Just, fuck off with your cat names, stevey darling. You won't get anywhere spitting out useless insults from your disgusting mouths.
Yours sincerely,
Someone who actually has a brain.